At Synergy Health Services, we use a synergistic approach to addressing health and well being for both mind and body from a cellular level.  Achieving true health cannot be accomplished by treating the body or mental/emotional as separate components.

Think about having excruciating back pain or a migraine headache without feeling any negative emotion; it's impossible.  In order for the body to heal itself, it is vital to address the root cause of illness or pain.  Some common root causes for many ailments can be emotional trauma, inappropriate mental and physical associations, negative beliefs, malnourishment and toxicity.  To get to the root cause of a health concern for my clients, I primarily use three of my favorite methods.


EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), has proved to be very effective in finding negative beliefs, eliminating emotional trauma that trigers physical pain, and removing self sabotage which leads to better health.  More information can be found  on our EFT page under the services tab.


NSRT (Neurological Stress Reduction Therapy) is a cutting edge technology (The Bax Aura Clinical System) that is based on quantum physics and has the ability to locate stress in the body.  I have found this technology to be amazing in helping me take a much closer look into the human body on a cellular and energetic level.  As a practitioner, this technology gives me the best of both worlds; the ability to look deep inside the physical as well as the mental and emotional body.  More information can be found on our NSRT page under the services tab.

Aura PTLII Clinical System: The Aura PTLII Clinical System, is a breakthrough solution to eliminate most chronic conditions.  The Aura PTLII integrates the best practices of the following modalities:

Laser Therapy - (Using a non-evasive FDA cleared laser therapy to reduce pain and inflammation).  Light carries frequencies to the cells which communicate through the body to the brain causing the release of natural chemicals which reduce stress and promote healing. 

Accupoint Stimulation: a method used whereby acupoints are stimulated with a laser and they active the body's energetic system to bring about relief and balancing and promote healing.

Substance Specific Stess Reduction: Stress is often caused by an inappropriate neurological reaction to environmental triggers, sometimes known as an allergy.  The Aura PTL(( incorporates stress inducing substances into the light therapy which serve to break those negative associations and eliminate the symptoms.

Homeopathy:  The Aura PTLII integrates the comprehensive homeopathic remedies into its protocols to optimize therapeutic results.

Nutritional Consultation:

Nutrition is a vital element to health and well being and must be applied to any health regimen to supply the body the needed nutrients to heal and regain balance.

At Synergy Health Services, we do not use the "one size fits all" or the "cookie cutter" approach to health, or nutrition.  We don't recommend diets and fads or the latest popular "miracle supplement" as a means to achieve health. Being healthy and getting proper nutrition is a LIFESTYLE and IDENTITY, period.   You cannot be the person who goes out often to happy hour indulging in fried, dead appetizers (void of almost all healthful nutrients) and chase them down with numerous acidic cocktails and expect to obtain great health by taking a multivitamin.  To be healthy, one must live the lifestyle of the healthy and in some cases adopt a new identity, that of a healthy person.   That being said, I am not implying that one cannot experience any improvement in their health while indulging, however, the progress will be limited.  Every person is different.  Weather it's the body type, blood type, genetics, cultural background, financial ability, beliefs, family dynamics, career, age and the list goes on.  This is why a "one size fits all" approach to nutrition doesn't work. 

I believe nutritional consulting must be individualized to match the persons ability, needs and financial capacity.  Today, many people struggle to pay for all of their necessities and even though they may need five different supplements to support health, they can only afford one, or some people are so overwhelmed with emotional trauma that following a lengthy food and nutritional program would be too overwhelming causing them to get discouraged and give up.

My goal as a consultant and practitioner is to provide nutritional consulting at the proper pace in order for my client to successfully accomplish balanced health.  This takes some time and systematic steps as well as a change in psychology and habits. Creating an elaborate food and supplement program from the start seldom works long term, because the change needs to happen in the mind of the person and on a cellular level in order to succeed.

I admit that my approach to nutritional consulting is different.  I started my education in nutrition over 20 years ago, so I have seen just about every concept out there.  In fact, I have revised and evolved my techniques due to more education and better science mated with my personal experience.  I have noted throughout the years, that even the well known schools and trainers seemed to be missing a big piece of the puzzle as to nutrition and supplementation.  Through this journey I have discovered that it is most effective to implement the energetic and emotional healing work as the missing pieces to the nutritional puzzle.

After having a conversation with you, I will be able to recommend the main priorities to help you develop better habits and slowly bring your body back to balance.  For some, this could mean meal recommendations, proper food combining and a colon cleanse.  For others that may have a very high level of negative emotions connected to their eating habits, I will recommend an EFT session to clear out the emotions causing blockages to good eating principles. Then there are some folks who have quite healthy eating habits already, but may need help understanding which supplements their bodies may need, how they can be best absorbed and products that may best work for them.  For me, it's all about what is best for my client and what methods will help them accomplish their desired goals quickly and effectively.