Bax Aura Machine & Low Level Light What is it?

NSRT is an advanced method of assessing the biochemical and bioelectrical aspect of the body thereby identifying the root cause of stress.  NSRT identifies what triggers the symptom and eliminates that trigger before the symptom even starts.  This technology identifies the cause of the symptom rather than trying to manage the symptom. NSRT combines four core components of holistic health and modern computerized technology to create a revolutionary new integrated therapeutic system.

The four core components of NSRT

1.  Acupuncture

Acupuncture is a form of Chinese medicine that has been used for over 5000 years and is based on the flow of energy along meridians in the body.  The meridian energy carries information about the body's organs and function.

2.  Homeopathy

Homeopathy is a 300 year old medical discipline developed in Germany.  Homeopathy is referred to as "Vibrational Medicine".

3.  Low Level Light Therapy

Low Level Light Therapy is light that is introduced to the body on specific acupoints further integrating principles of acupuncture.  The light carries harmonic frequencies to the cells which communicate through the body and to the brain.  Harmonic Frequencies cause the release of endorphins and serotonin, which calm the body and reduce stress.

4.  Applied Kinesiology

Applied Kinesiology (AK) is a form of alternative medicine that provides neurological evaluation using muscle tests to monitor the physiological response to physical, chemical or mental stimuli.

NSRT will assess which environmental, chemical and food substances cause an increase in both psychological and physiological stress on the body.

  Key principles of NSRT

  1. Stress causes or exacerbates 80-85% of all human illness according to the AMA (American Medical Association).
  2. A reduction in stress caused by environmental, chemical, and food substances can alleviate many types of symptomatic expressions.
  3. The brain creates associations between environmental substances we ingest, breathe and touch.  Some of these associations are inappropriate and trigger symptoms you may be experiencing.
  4. These associations can be broken using a combination of harmonic frequencies, sound and light.
  5. Subjects will experience improved health on many levels through the integrated use of light therapy, nutrition, herbal remedies, enzymes and homeopathic medications.

 The Bax Aura system is able to determine:

  • Which substances cause stress on the body
  • The strength of the stress response in correlation to the specific substance
  • Stress placed on organs and systems by the cumulative substances stressors

What conditions can be treated with NSRT and the Bax Aura system?

Allergies, asthma, skin conditions, migraine pain, digestive discomfort, arthritis, body pain, smoking addiction, biological aging, weight management, chronic fatigue, inflammation, fibromyalgia, emotional imbalances and many other conditions.

Benefits of the Bax Aura Clinical System:

  • Noninvasive FDA-cleared laser therapy to reduce pain and inflammation
  • Customized homeopathic program to enhance therapeutic outcomes
  • Painless - no needles or dietary restrictions
  • No side effects, no down time, no pharmaceuticals
  • Does not cause allergic reactions and is extremely safe
  • The homeopathy used in each protocol is FDA registered