lady on beach with hands in airWhat is EFT?

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) is an effective technique that balances the body's energy system.

It works like emotional acupressure to quickly, gently and easily release the negative emotions and beliefs from the body's energy system that are at the root of all our problems and pain.  This energy system holds the key to many of the disturbances we experience in our daily lives.  When it is out of balance, our emotional life could be in desperate need of a tune up.  Restoring the balance of the energy system allows the body and mind to resume their natural healing abilities

How do negative emotions affect us physically?

Our bodies have meridians which are paths through which energy flows. When we’re healthy emotionally and physically, it means that the energy is flowing freely. When we’re ill or experiencing various forms of emotional discomfort or pain, something has short-circuited in the energy system. Asian medicine has realized this for thousands of years, and has pioneered the use of acupuncture for anesthesia and to heal a number of illnesses.When your energy system short-circuits, negative emotions result that can manifest as anxiety, fears, depression, symptoms of PTSD, and so on. They can also manifest as pain, illnesses, addictions (which are actually attempts to tranquilize negative emotions), phobias, etc.

How EFT Works

Treatment begins with a brief discussion of the goal or issue, followed by a progression of tapping on your face and hands using your own fingertips on a short series of points on the body that correspond to acupuncture points on the energy meridians.  Tapping speaks directly to your body, bypassing the conscious mind, and completes the processing of those chemicals out of the cell receptors, returning your body to a state of balance.  Meridian tapping serves to dissipate the blockages that are created when a person thinks about or becomes involved in an emotionally disturbing circumstance.  When the blockage is released, the body's energy comes into balance. Once balanced, the person cannot get upset about the circumstances no matter how hard they try. The memory remains but the charge is gone.

What if its too painful to talk about my problem?

There is no need for you to talk about your problem if you do not want to. There are specific ways of doing EFT that can be applied in these situations. The avoidance of re-traumatizing the recipient is a great benefit of these techniques and it is a regular occurrence that relief is achieved without any detail being discussed - in my opinion, one of the greatest benefits of EFT.